Exotic Avian Sanctuary of Tennessee is registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. ©2025 All rights reserved.
Here are some other easy ways you can help
Ebay Giving Works Program – Buy or sell on Ebay to benefit EAST!
Amazon Smile – Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Exotic Avian Sanctuary Of Tennessee Inc whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
Amazon Wish List – The easiest way to get helpful items to EAST is through our Amazon wish list! You can order items from our wish list (using Amazon Smile of course) and ship items directly to EAST through Amazon. It couldn’t be easier!
If you have a question about buying a similar item to what you see on our wish list or wish to donate similar items that you already have, please contact us at info@tnavianrescue.org.
Capital One Shopping can help you find even more savings on your items! This is a free tool that compares prices among various retailers to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible while supporting our parrots at EAST at the same time!
Kroger Community Rewards – A great way local Middle Tennessee folks can help! Just create an account, register your Kroger Plus Card, and pick Exotic Avian Sanctuary of Tennessee as your charity!! A portion of all purchases go to EAST!
iGive – Just sign up, download the “iGive” button and shop! A portion of all purchases through iGive will go to help EAST!
SHOPEAST.ORG – support EAST with fun apparel, accessories and Britches! A portion of every sale goes to help EAST.